
One Helluva View



4 Years

07-11-2016, 08:33 PM

This male, like many, questioned after Tsiry. Peregrine almost missed his question above the pounding of blood in her ears. She liked to imagine that she already felt the herbs he'd provided doing their work within her body, giving her the energy she needed even for social interaction. It was better than wallowing in the truth, right? Peregrine blearily raised her head and blinked at him before swiveling her head to stare at the lemur. She appeared nonplussed, caring too little about the opinions of wolves to warrant being offended that he was not familiar with her species. It was 50/50 most days, whether she had a bone to pick or not. "She's a lemur," Peregrine said. "And quite bright, like most of her species. She teaches me, and I keep kind gentlemen such as yourselves from consuming her." She gave him a cheeky grin. Some wolves had no issue hunting and shortly there after eating even creature intelligent enough to have learned their tongue, and others found the notion concerning.

Whichever group this man found himself in, he hoped her would not take advantage of her obvious weakness. Tsiry seemed clearly concerned that he would. He claimed to stay out of trouble, to which Peregrine could only chuckle. That did not seem like much of a life, but she was not one to judge. Anyways, it was a presumption she was far too tired to address or consider at present. "Mayhaps. For now the only pair I'm fit to be a part of is dirt beneath pads." Another laugh, more genuine this time. "Are you familiar with this land?" she panted. Many males were easily side tracked by feigning interest in them, and despite the kindness he'd shown her she was not quick to trust. Still, didn't mean she had to be rude. Mayhaps he was from these parts! She would do her best to compensate any help he might offer... Though she thought briefly of her empty satchel with a wince. Despite how mild winter had been, she had spent more time roaming and learning than plying her craft. Well... Whatever, right?! No big deal. She'd find some other way to pay him back.

"Talk" "You" Think