

Jupiter I


7 Years
06-16-2013, 12:55 PM

He swept forward beside his bitch, the two parting, and Jupiter sent a final glance back in her ally's direction, nodding to the woman with approval and hoping that she beat the elephant of a woman into the ground for the crown. For all of her unprofessional mannerisms and crafty seductions, the lass knew she was an intelligent opportunist and more agile than anything she'd ever seen, though how that came about was strictly classified and she drew her mind from the thoughts, glaring at Kaios but saying nothing.

As she expected he would, he began, prattling on like some old woman yelling at pups to get off of her territory, more than likely over-compensating for what balls he lacked with an ego taller than any tree, soaring and spewing insults and bragging words to make himself feel better whenever he was tripped by reality. She ignored his spawn as they approached to observe the battle between Medusa and Newt, having no time to be distracted by them. However, she spied Deteste and their gazes locked for a moment, a sense of knowing passing easily between them. Something about this exchange and knowing that he was present calmed her considerably, but it was not to last.

A deep snarl ripped from her chest as he spoke of dominance, patience evaporating to nothing as he dared to suggest merely doing so in a pledge to stay away from her lands.

"And have you come right back with no regard for your phony little promises, just like you did with Secret." Her fur raised on end as her lip pulled up further, brows furrowing deeper as her head lowered in her snarls. Her ears pinned solidly against her skull. "And you're no god, Kaios--no fabled serpent that grows back heads or some ultimate ruler of Alacritia with an army of thousands. Just like the rest of us, you're a mote on the scale of the world--a fly to the passage of time. You're a fucking prick, and you know what you're going to do when you die? Rot in the fucking ground, so get used there being nothing after death."

With these words her stance shifted and she side-stepped largely to the left with preparation, weight turning even to be dispersed equally on her toes, causing her bulk to be shifted forward slightly for good balance. Wolves ran on their toes, and in this manner she was the most balanced upon them by nature. She took a deep breath, tail setting parallel with her form and fur flattening, the only evidence of rage within her shown in her features, which were still wrinkled by a snarl though the noise from it had fallen nearly-silent, fading only to a quiet rumble that paused only for breath. She glared daggers at her opponent, sickened by the final words he had blubbered. For all her hate, the woman had given him the benefit of the doubt as to her expectancy pertaining to his reaction. The lass had been wrong, though she should have expected him to start prattling like a pansy. But no more. Taking it as him offering his own life to her jaws, the moment the words 'come and' left his lips, she was off. Should Kaios refrain from moving, she would propel forth and cross their initial distance of five yards in three rapid, sprinting strides, but should he have shifted his position she would make an attempt to cross it as quickly as she could nevertheless.

She wasn't going to dick around and play some dancing game about him. Jupiter had aims to hit hard, hit fast, and dispatch his life as quickly as possible. That was, after causing as much pain as she possibly could to every part of his body she could reach. A straight-on charge was usually unexpected, considering that most would think it to be too predictable, but Jupiter knew her strengths enough to know what she was capable of, and dancing around him like a fairy wasn't it.

In her final stride, her front limbs lifted with intentions set upon resting her left limb on Kaios' right shoulder, her right limb aiming to come up and hook about the left side of his neck for leverage, not expecting to be able to reach his shoulder past his mass from her angle. Simultaneously, her head slightly lifted and her jaws parted and she aimed a vicious bite at his face, lips already curled back from her previous snarls, wishing to snag her top jaw upon his brow and her lower upon his cheek, seeking to mercilessly sink her jaws into the tender scar tissue and rip deeply downwards, hoping also to possibly maim his eye while doing so. She applied little to no forward force in her assault but kept her hind legs extended partially backwards in preparation to resist any surge forward, claws pressing into the earth.

round 1/5

attacks - Rushes forward (distance of about 5 yards approved by Ais since she didn't mention it in her post) to try and clear the space between them from a position a large step to her left of Kaios, rising up in an attempt to hook her right leg about the left side of his neck and place her left paw on his right shoulder. She is trying to attack the massively-scarred, right side of his face, and trying to hook her upper teeth on his brow, her lower teeth in the flesh on his cheek and then rip downwards. She also aims to maim his eye in this effort.

defenses - Pins ears against skull to keep them from easily being grabbed; weight dispersed equally and balanced on her toes, since wolves run on them to protect their pads; tail parallel and even with her form for balance; arches her body downwards should she be able to place her paws, haunches and abdomen low to make it more difficult for Kaios to bite her; hind legs stretched partially backwards to slightly resist any forward force he applies, though she expects him to be too busy with her trying to rip his muscles from his flesh to try such a reflex.

injuries - n/a

ooc - as aforementioned, distance is approved by ais. c: We've also settled on 5 rounds instead of 7-8.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.