
Chamomile Starts With C [PO]



9 Years
07-12-2016, 10:36 PM (This post was last modified: 07-13-2016, 12:35 AM by Kavdaya.)
First round ends July 25th
Healers are mandatory
Others may join in, but please, try to keep the thread going for at least four posts so those wishing to get points for Healing can collect them.

Kavdaya Of The Nomads

So, it was time to call the pack for another healing lesson and discussion. Kavdaya had noticed all the herbs already thriving with the early onset of Spring, and she’d gone and gathered a few fresh ones. She was returning now, hurrying so that hopefully, she could show those interested the herbs to be learned today before their dried and stored state. She doubted they’d not be limp as a fresh corpse, though. No matter.

The snowy healer had done her best to mask the scent of her cycle before she called the others, but she knew that sooner or later the smell would escape. It wasn’t something she could help, but she doubted anyone would really care all that much. Likely some of the other women were in their season as well. She’d already noticed that Solveiga’s scent had shifted to that musky calling card.

She planted her hips at the center of the widened area just outside the Adravendi-Celestial den, where the ravine opened its base to leave a prime loafing place for injured or slightly ill wolves, and the perfect arena for pups to gambol and play under the watchful eyes of a healer or the Archangel himself. Granted, it seemed the children were too adventurous to keep to this place to play, but at least this was as close to the center of the main territory as you could get.

Setting her finds upon the soft loam, she tipped her head back, calling out for the healers, and the pack in general, inviting them all to come and learn give their input, and enjoy the closeness of the pack.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: C87vX2z.png]