
Give Me Everything Tonight


06-16-2013, 01:01 PM
You can count on me like 1,2,3

Kai Aranna

I know when I need it I can count on you like 4,3,2

The scenes of her past flashed before her eyes like a bloody reminder as she was suddenly awoken from her nightmare. Her eyes covered with fear and that was something that she was afraid of. Something about this place made her feel at home. She was careful to avoid the borders of the pack, for fear they were as evil and vicious as the man that she was suppose to marry. Her bright white fur had turned dirty, living day to day made her not care for her appearance as she had once been taught to do. It was like raising a calf for slaughter. Her parents had known that she was scared, they raised her with manners just to marry a sick, masochistic man who was vile, cruel, abusive and vicious.

Something made her remember that she needed to remain strong. Everyone she had ever counted on had turned their backs on her. Capella had turned on her, same as her brothers and her other family members. "Will I never find a home?" She asked herself out loud, not caring who had heard her. All that mattered was that she needed to stay calm, and she wasn't doing a good job. She held her posture, not letting herself get down. Would no pack take the kind girl? She had tried, and they all just laughed in her face.

Heartbreakers like you are hard to erase