
forsake me not

Forsaken I


5 Years
07-18-2016, 05:23 PM
I don't play around that often,

When I do I'm a freak!

Forsaken was back in the North, memories stirring within him. This place, he thought, had once been his home for a time. Memories of his siblings, particularly his littermates, stirred within. He’d at least been reunited with Engima, though what of Paradox? The prodigy who had once held so much promise. He shook his head. After Sin’s downfall the family fell apart. It was a shame, particularly for Arietta, but alas what could be done? His mother had followed Sin to the very grave, and though Forsaken found it disgusting in some ways in others he was sad too. Though he’d never openly admit it he had loved his mother... For she was still his mother even if she was not a fighter like her mate.

His mind was thoughtful as he wandered, his mind working in a way that was methodical for once. His normal logicless behavior had taken a turn, perhaps because ambition was burning in his heart. Though his thoughts could easily change on a dime Forsaken had been doing some thinking. Some wonderful, glorious thinking. Perhaps, he thought, he could pick up where his father left off. Make an empire of his own with Enigma by his side. Yes, he liked the sound of that. Things had been quiet in Boreas... But alas he had no followers yet. He would have to start trying to make some allies.

A scent intruded his nares as he walked along, a smirk crossing onto his features. Interesting... Another who was out and about. But it was not just the fact that the other was within the same area but the pack she was a pack wolf as well. Forsaken paused, noticing that she was downwind of him. She seemed to be coming this way so, perhaps he thought, he’d let her find him. Golden eyes were fixed down the wash as he waited, ears perked and body alert as he waited for the next signs of the stranger to be shown.

"Talk," 'Think.'

So you'd better believe

I like it rough!