
You will remember me

Katja the First


8 Years
07-18-2016, 05:39 PM
She'd been away from her pack's lands for a time, scouting out more of the northern lands for whatever opportunities might arise, trusting to her stellaris to see to keeping the pack running while she was out of touch. She had just returned to the den site when her precocious god-touched daughter Alfrun had dreamily informed her that someone from Ivalice had called for her from the border, but since she was gone no one had time to answer before whoever it was had simply walked away from the border.

Bristling with irritation, she'd deliberately set aside that knowledge for a time, choosing instead to concentrate on Yfir rather than dealing with what was probably an attempt at political maneuvering. Still, she'd put it off long enough, and she had certainly let the situation with Vereux fester for far too long. She should have put him on the dirt - or in it - as soon as she'd learned of his whereabouts, but she'd hesitated to be sure she would not needlessly embroil her pack in a war. Vereux's betrayal affected them all as a pack, certainly, but she did not care for the idea of full scale war in any form, and with Vereux hiding within another pack it was a distinct possibility.

The scent of him buried within the pack scent of Ivalice's border enraged her all over again as soon as she'd passed from Yfir's border into the no-man's land between Yfir and Ivalice, but she buried the fury beneath layers of ice, taking only a single bracing breath before she called out in a steely voice, tone leaving no doubt that this was not a social visit, nor was she interested in "social".