
Welcome to the Hotel California :]

Pontifex I


06-16-2013, 03:26 PM

He'd done it. He'd managed to break through the ice to release the chilling water beneath its frozen surface. He'd done his companion a favor, since she had after all decided to stop and have a talk with him, the first non-family member to have done that since his arrival in Ala. She'd been beyond kind to him and he couldn't think of a better way to repay her than by helping her out.

Pontifex stood back, golden gaze watching as the obsidian woman stepped forward, dipping her muzzle into the freezing water, her tongue lapping it up as she quenched her thirst. He had dismissed her thanks with a gentle nod of his head, needing none. He'd done it because he'd wanted to; she didn't need to thank him. When she'd finally had her fill she raised her head, turning towards him as she presented him with a wet grin, thanking him again because that had been the best drink she'd had a long while. And then, she reached out towards him, nuzzling his cheek, leaving a wet imprint behind. The brute froze, unsure of how to take her gesture. His golden gaze was rooted to her ocean blue one, watching her before he finally managed to snap himself from his shocked state. You're...welcome. he finally breathed, stirring his paws into action as he moved past her to drink from the icy water.

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