
tears of god



5 Years
07-19-2016, 06:42 PM

He was on his way home. after all this time, he finally realized who was in the wrong. Not his family - not his friends.. not the spirits of nature, and the other wolves of the world. Him. He was the one who had been in the wrong, an he finally admitted that to himself. He knew that while he always blamed himself, always put himself down... some part of him felt it was their fault. Now, he knew better. He was a stronger wolf for it, he hoped, and he would try his best not to fall into that trap of despair and depression again. It just... wasn't worth it.

Truthfully, he came here because he wanted to relax. The Hot Springs sounded like a fabulous idea; the warmth and the soothing motion of the water would undoubtedly calm him down, and prepare him for what was to come. He had faith in himself (sort of) and he would try to be the best he could for it.

His paws fell softly on the ground as fog wreathed around his figure. It was almost eerie, but it was pleasant. Even the temperature was pleasant; he hardly noticed the cold, now that he had spent time in the North in winter. He never thought he'd get used to the cold, but... he never thought he'd be away from home in the North. Again, anyways... a pang of sadness hit him as he remembered Arian. He remembered her teaching fondly, and that smile was bittersweet as he recalled the birth of her children. How were those pups faring now? He would need to investigate a bit to find out.

He paused by a pool, breathing in the steam that wreathed around his body. It smelled so warm. He shrugged off his herb pack that was starting to fill up near the 'shore' and he happily stepped in, tail wagging behind him and splashing as he suddenly realized he was not alone. "Oh!" He scrambled backwards out of the pool, horror in his gaze as he gazed at the brown female. "I-I'm so s-sorry!" He didn't mean to disrupt her peace at all! "I-I can l-leave if y-you want?" he suggested, his ears flat in mortification.
