
The Same old Song and Dance


06-16-2013, 03:26 PM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Deneke!

The maiden had been wandering, traversing the lands she would now call home. There was a storm as she walked, so she sheltered herself among an overgrowth of bracken to wait it out. As she did, she noticed another on a rocky outcropping, soaked to the bone and whimpering. Her heart filled with pity for the creature, her instincts telling her to walk over to the poor thing and shelter her with the albino temptress' own large, lean frame. She would have, had the storm not broken as she was about to stand. Instead, she observed the she wolf get up and frolic on the snow, innocence in her every move. The snowy furred dame stood soundlessly, fading from the shadows of the forest and into the bright lands around her, which unleashed the lights with which she shared a name, trapped within each silky strand of fur, over her body. She was a sight, but meeting her eerie moonstone orbs would send most running for the safety of their families. They were depthless, consuming, searching your soul as one became trapped in their otherworldly gaze. She approached the other wolf, her movements soundless; feminine hips swaying, long tail sweeping across her tall heels rhythmically, and lithe muscles rippling a strong undertow beneath the river of her pelt. The ivory furred woman would stop a a few paces from the other wolf, and rest on her haunches, the snow finally crunching quietly under her surprisingly light weight, and uttering a sweeping sound as her tail moved habitually across the frozen precipitation to wrap around her dainty yet powerful paws. There she would wait, watching the sweet looking wolf as her infinite mind worked out the possibilities of how this interaction could go.
