
Cynics & Critics



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
07-25-2016, 09:48 PM

Well don't worry about it. Naturally as a mother, she always worried. They were her babies and they always would be no matter how old they got. She was glad that he tried to reassure her about the family, though something in that response also gave her a sense of foreboding. She would dismiss it for now as she didn't want to dwell on it. When he stepped back, she sat down and wrapped her tail around her paws. When he spoke, she tightened her jaw just slightly. Of course, she had a feeling it had to do with Vereux.

They had never trusted him, and treated him like he was some sort of criminal ever since he had requested to be secondary at the packs first meeting. Which of course, she had turned down. As he went on, she listened quietly and no doubt these "concerning" things were similar to what Bass had explained to her. While she had yet to speak to Katja until she found out more information, it seemed her son had taken it upon himself to do the investigating. She wasn't mad at him about it, he was in his own right to want to know about the man she loved. Or at least...She hoped that's what she was feeling and not some lovestruck pups idea of what love was like.

Taking a deep breath she nodded, indicating it was okay to continue. "Katja, yes. I know who she is, we've had the opportunity to meet once or twice. She is respectable and I hold nothing against her. I know Vereux came from her pack some time ago, but...I think when we first met he was still a part of Yfir." How long ago was that? Before she had her first litter if she recalled. When Arian was...sane. Anyways, the next time she had run into him after that...He had told her he had gotten swept away by...floods or something like that, but had never gone into detail let alone really explain why he wouldn't go back. All he really kept saying was...well, what? He feared getting maimed or enslaved? She didn't think Katja would have done that if he really didn't want to stay. But now? Perhaps it was too late. "I meant to see her sooner, but I wanted to find out more from Vereux and get both sides. I'll tell you what I know about it, but first, what did she tell you?"


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