
The world's a gun



9 Years
07-22-2016, 03:12 AM

Xephyris continued to snarl, his tongue running along his teeth as he patiently waited for Enigma to speak. He wasn't one to rush into a fight although he enjoyed bloodshed and a good fight; after all, it wasn't like there was any immediately threat. As the other male tried to suggest that he was at all concerned, a harsh laugh burst forth from Xeph's throat, saliva flying past his fangs. "Concern? For you, and your ilk?" he snapped, teeth gnashing together and tail lashing furiously, "I gave my all for that pack, and I was abandoned in the end. Nobody came to find me, even after I helped your sorry ass. And your father... well, he was a grown man, was he not? He made his own bed, and now it's where he sleeps." Their eyes would meet in a deep and hefty glare, and Xephyris sized up the other male as they locked in on each other. He had fought many large enemies, and he'd do so again; Xephyris had no fear.

But poise was certainly one thing he did have, and so, although he was riled and his muscles tensed and ready, the man would tilt his ears forward to listen further. His body was a heartbeat away from lunging to end this, but his mind demanded that he hold his position; for now. "I made a choice that was left open to me," he responded coldly, "So what are you going to do about it?" He wasn't going to make any further comment about whose side he had taken. As far as he was concerned, Imperium and Abaven were his enemies. He was glad that the gladiator pack Imperium had fallen, and to no particular enemy at all; it had merely crumbled from within. And he'd heard nothing of Abaven - although that didn't surprise him, since they'd hardly made an appearance in their own siege.

Tail flicked irritably as Enigma tried to tell him that he was some sort of traitor, as though he had done something to betray the pack and cause Sin's demise. All he could do was shake his head. "Your father was a powerful man," he rumbled, claws digging into the ground, "I did my part. I fought for Hellstrom; and I refuse to be accountable for anything that happened after its fall." He was not going to explain himself. He'd become a loner after Hellstrom's fall, and his choices thereafter were his own. None of which he regretted. "So what are you going to do about it?" he'd reiterate with a little more emphasis, narrowing his eyes as he tried to contain the anger broiling within. He might have been a patient man, but that didn't mean he didn't feel the fury.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]