
The world's a gun



10 Years
Dragon Mod
07-22-2016, 04:21 AM (This post was last modified: 07-22-2016, 02:26 PM by Enigma.)

He loved the reaction that he was getting out of this man. His nose wrinkled the more he stood there smelling the pack scent upon the silver male. If he didn't know better, he would voice the fact that he was getting under the males skin, and it made him barely contain his glee. True, Enigma hadn't gone to look for Xephyris, but did he really have a reason to? He was busy trying to keep his little blind brother alive. Even so, the pack had split and Enigma had hoped that they would all come back under a new reign to start again. And was one of those "loyal" followers that had pledged themselves to his father. Everyone who had done that, and were found to have given their loyalty to someone else, were all traitors in his eyes.

"So, what did he offer you? Greatness? Power? To 'be the best you can be'? You're nothing but a low ranking warrior I'm sure. On top of that, you're taking orders from some kid!" He laughed again as his stance remained rigid, the mocking hostility clear in his posture. He was so ready for a fight, but he was also enjoying this. He would push Xephyris, see how much he could take before he either snapped or let down his guard. Enigma was bigger, and he enjoyed staring down at the smaller male. "What am I going to do about it? Well, for one. I'm going to make every traitor pay starting with you."

He took a step forward, closing the short distance bit by bit. "Two. When I'm finished with you, I'll make your precious pack mates pay one. By. One." He licked his lips at the thought of taunting and terrorizing unsuspecting prey. Amber gaze narrowed to slits as he stepped closer yet again, hackles raised as muscles tensed. And the closer he got, the better he could smell the underlying scents on the man's pelt. Aahh, did he have a special someone? The thought of using her to further fuel this was oh so amusing. After all, Takira had been taken away from him. So it was only fair that someone else lost something of theirs, right? "I do hope you don't have anyone you care about in your life. I would hate for her to get involved in this. How is she? I'd love to get a taste of her. I'm sure her hips are perfect for...well, hehe...I'm sure you'd know already." He sneered, his chest nearly pressed against the smaller male as he stared tauntingly at him.

Enigma VS Xephyris for MAIM: FACIAL SCARRING?

Round 0/?

OOC// doesn't have to start now, just thought I'd throw it in since Enigma's intentions are heading that way >.>;


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