
You can't spell slaughter without laughter


06-16-2013, 04:02 PM (This post was last modified: 06-16-2013, 04:12 PM by Baxter.)
Baxter looked at the dame as she stood up before him then said her name.

"Segolia..." he said, letting her name roll off his tongue.

Then she asked him why he was interested. Then she snorted at him. A brow raised as Bax narrowed his amethyst eyes. How dare she, the little bitch! At least she was pretty...the male would give her that. Such a rebellious tongue she had...yet he didn't like it when it was directed at him.

Hm, so she was one to speed things up was she? Did this mean Bax should just kill her then and there? No..stick to your mind. Baxter knew it was way too early to strike. His mind had begun to decide a Plan as he continued.

"Well if you really want to know, I came over here to kill you." he said as he made a serious face.

Then the corners of his mouth turned upwards as he smiled and broke out into a chuckle. Baxter knew where he was going with this, it was the perfect plan.

"I bet you really thought l meant that, and probably judged me when you first saw me!" he said with a friendly smile and tone, making this sound like he made a joke.

"Of course the real reason I came over here is because I just...come on you're very attractive and I just couldn't draw my eyes away from you." he said while cautiously taking a few steps closer to her then giving her a charming smile.

Baxter drew in closer so he would have the opportunity to nuzzle her neck if she didn't move away. The brute knew that after she replied he would strike. Right after she replied, and if she didn't move. He would go in to nuzzle her neck but he wouldn't nuzzle it...he would bite it... The Maka's plan was almost too ingenious! Even if it didn't work he had to reward himself with the though of a brilliant plan. Or maybe he would fuck the bitch then kill her. So many options.... Heck, he had all the time in the world.

"Listen...I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable...but I-I'm very attracted to you" he said in a coo in her ear.

Bax hoped she would give in as he then rubbed his side against hers, fur against fur. A slow rumble came from him as he tried to soothe her thoughts. What would come next...he didn't know. Hopefully she wouldn't move or hopefully she would also show a little affection in return. Bax didn't care which part of him would be satisfied at this sunset. Either his cock or claws, no preference was there.

So he waited and wait did be do...patiently...quietly...and at the same time tried to show affection and make him look like a male swept off his feet for this dame called Segolia...whatever would work. Amethyst eyes looked at her with a sliver of care in them. He wanted to make it look like he cared about her...hopefully she would buy it.