
Peace and Prejudice: Squirrel Edition



5 Years
Extra large
07-22-2016, 09:23 PM

With slow, heavy steps Laufey made his way through the forest. It was clear from his lackadaisical pace that he had nowhere to be and no destination in mind. Really, he was walking just to walk. Since recovering from the illness that had restricted him to his den for weeks, the marauder had been working to recover the strength and stamina he'd lost. He was doing well, but now more than ever did he appreciate the strength of his youth. He wasn't a yearling any longer and it showed; he wasn't springing back nearly as quickly as he'd done when he was a pup and the plague had sickened him.

A curious skittering sound in the distance gave the giant pause. He slowly ground to a halt and tipped his head to the side as he listened. After several moments of listening he was still no closer to guessing at the sound's origin, so he decided to investigate.

The brute changed course and set out in search of the sound. In no time at all he came up the scene...and instead of being enlightened, found himself more confused. It appeared as if the woman was playing with a group of squirrels. His head canted to the side as he considered the spectacle before him. She appeared to be genuinely aggravated with the tree rats, but attempt after attempt was met with failure. His thoughts drifted to the play fights he'd gotten into with his son. Both parties put on a show of ferocity, but neither meant it in this case. Since the woman was having no success Lafey could only assume that what he was seeing was indeed play. "My mother always told me not to play with my food," he drawled lazily.

This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.