
Abscond we will not[Pack meeting]


07-22-2016, 11:09 PM

Late! She was going to be so, so late! Gods, she hated being late. She been outside of Myriad's lands and was on her way back when she heard her alpha's call faintly. She immediately took off at a run toward the call, but she knew she was still going to be one of the last to arrive if not the very last. She darted around the trees and such in her path and ended up scraping her paw against a rock that was sticking out of the ground just enough to trip her up. She cursed under her breath and stumbled a bit before getting back on track and covering the rest of the distance between her and the meeting. She slowed to a stop at the very edge of the group, trying her best to not draw too much attention to herself. She sat down hard on her haunches and tried to steady her breath, lifting her right forepaw to examine it. The rock she had tripped on had scraped her paw pad a bit and bright red blood dotted the scrape, seeping into the chocolate fur around her pads. She frowned grumpily and licked gently at the wound before setting her paw back down with a resigned sigh. Her day was going just swimmingly today.

"Talk" "You" Think