
our map was upside down this whole time



3 Years
07-22-2016, 11:51 PM (This post was last modified: 07-23-2016, 12:02 AM by Alarik.)

Alarik was wide awake, and had been for a pretty long time. Unlike his restless brother, however, he stayed close to his family this morning instead of going out and adventuring. Tucked comfortably in the pile of warm fur, he rolled onto his back and tucked his legs up by his belly. He looked at the leaves intertwining above his head in the bush they slept under, rich ochre eyes blinking dreamily as he lost himself to his imagination. This was not an uncommon thing for Alarik to do. He often drifted off into little daydreams like this, and was quite content. At least he wasn't being noisy and waking the others.

His little tail thumped softly against the earthen floor of their temporary shelter as he dreamed up battles with dragons and other fierce beasts. When the splash of the stick reached his ears, he imagined that it was one of the vile creatures, approaching the safety of their little shelter. He had to protect his family from the beast! The battle was his to be won! Abandoning his idle dreaming, he rolled to his feet and managed to step on his already cranky sister on his way out of the tangled vines. He ran toward his brother, nearly tripping over his feet once, and tackled him to the ground with a mighty puppy growl. "Surr-ander, beast!" he cried. "You are no match for me!" He struggled with his brother for a little while, trying to keep him pinned. He couldn't help giggling as he played; he knew knights weren't supposed to giggle, but he was having too much fun!

But then Alarik saw his big sister walking past, a freshly caught rabbit hanging from her jaws. He licked his lips; he was hungry. "Okay Siggy!" he said cheerfully, hopping off his brother and following the larger wolf. He hoped he would be as big as her someday. Then he could easily catch rabbits too. And dragons, of course.

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