
The world's a gun



9 Years
07-23-2016, 03:57 AM

He would watch the other male's face, having nothing to offer but a snarl of his own, teeth exposed as he listened to the brute. Why was he listening at all? He wasn't sure, but he was patient enough to find out if there was anything worthwhile. Enigma would repeat words that had once been spoken by his father. The proposals he had offered to his prospective followers. Xephyris would harden at the mention of these, his muscles stiffening and silver eyes locking dead with amber. Did Enigma really think that any of the past held sway over him now? And to now move on to mocking, as though to suggest that the young could not lead, in fact, were not worthy of such? "Sin offered many things, and I gave him my word," Xephyris muttered as he watched his ex-packmate coldly, "But he didn't live up to any of it. So now, for me, it's just a small part of my history. I proudly lend my strength to someone else. My leader is young, but there's no shame in that; Rivaxorus is no push-over, and I'll attest to that. Got a problem?"

In fact, he knew there were very few within Myriad that would surrender to force; most would fight until there was nothing left, before they gave in to defeat. He fell silent again after he'd said his part, unsure of whether or not any of his words would be heard. And he didn't care either. He wasn't here to talk. He had come to the battlefield to test his abilities. Of course, he'd come with the intention of sparring against another warrior in training. Enigma's appearance had been completely unexpected, but Xephyris was enjoying every moment of this so far. Perhaps this would turn out more intensely than he'd expected, but that just added to the excitement and randomness of it all.

As the ivory-coated male took a step toward him, Xephyris would do the same, slowly helping to close the distance between them. When Enigma stated that he'd eliminate Xephyris and then make each of his packmates pay one by one... another fire was lit within the smaller male, fury growing within him. Another low growl would rumble in his chest. "If you think you'll get to Myriad, you'll have to get through me first," he snarled, ears folding back as his jaws snapped on empty air, in his rival's direction, holding a direct and unyielding stare through cold, silver eyes.

-Fight post begins here-

His muscles tensed as Enigma continued to try to taunt him, ears folding back to protect, hackles rising along his neck and spine defensively, chin tilting downward to protect his throat.. Oh, so he had noticed the scent of a woman upon his coat? He wondered who, exactly, the other male had scented. "If you really want to know, you'd better get in line and wait your turn," he rumbled darkly, paws beginning to shift into an equally spaced stance and claws digging into the ground for a solid grip, "I've got more than a few on the go, but it might be hard for a guy like you to keep up with." He knew Enigma would know exactly what he meant. After all, Xeph had been there after the siege, and he knew the extent of Enigma's injuries.

As the ivory-coated male pressed closer to him, Xephyris felt all impulse control leave him, his nose wrinkling up furiously. The skin around his muzzle and eyes bunched up defensively, while his eyes narrowed protectively. his knees and elbows bending as he readied himself for the battle that was inevitable. How dare this cocky brute get so close that he could feel the man's forechest against his own? His thick tail seemed to bush out even more, tucking slightly in preparation to defend some of his vital points. They were chest to chest, aligned head-to-head. And it was no longer the words that irked Xephyris; it was this physical proximity, the lack of boundaries and respect from his former pack-mate that built the desire to sink his teeth into flesh and crave the blood that would flow.

His own neck and head would shift slightly to his own right, Enigma now on his left as his breath huffed past his nostrils. His head and muzzle would turn to his left, head lowering to align with his spine even as he sized up the larger ivory-coated male, his body weight subtly leaning toward his opponent as his abdominal muscles tensed to support his efforts. Suddenly, Xephyris lashed out, no longer complacent or reasonable, no longer caring for appearances. They would shed blood from this point on. With a harsh snarl and jaws open wide to reveal all of his teeth in a threat, Xeph would pivot his body to his right with the help of all four paws, weight shifting quickly to his hinds as he prepared to launch at his enemy. His aim was to be at a T with Enigma, so that his body was at a 90 degree angle from Enigma's left shoulder. Xeph's forequarters began to lift, while his hind legs took the weight and thrust him hopefully in the direction of his enemy.

First to come was his right shoulder blade - Xephyris attempted to thrust the frontal part of his right shoulder into the left side of Enigma's neck, right where the man's left shoulder blade met with the side of the neck. He hoped to leave a moderate bruise if he could land the shoulder thrust. Next, Xeph's forelegs would come off the ground, all of his weight now shifting to his hinds for balance. His left foreleg attempted to reach down and around the front part of Enigma's neck/throat, where the claws in his left forepaw could hopefully find a grip in the lower left side of Enigma's neck. Xeph's right foreleg would try to reach up and over Enigma's neck, the claws of his right forepaw would aim to dig in to the upper left part of Enigma's neck, where the upper shoulder blade met with the neck. His reason for doing this - Xephyris hoped to gain a sufficient choke hold to eventually suffocate his opponent and have a lot of control over his movement.

And his last move, would be to reach with open jaws for the left side of Enigma's neck, right where the neck met with the side of the jaw, several inches below the left ear. Xeph's upper teeth sought to sink into Enigma's left cheek, two inches from the jawline, while his lower teeth aimed to puncture into the flesh right at the side of Enigma's left jawline; right where the jaw bone met with the soft flesh of the jugular. Hoping to leave moderate punctures, Xephyris snapped his jaws, snarling as he anticipated his enemy's retaliation.

Enigma vs. Xephyris || Maim: Facial Scarring || Round 1/3

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]