
Where did I go Wrong?



9 Years
Dragon Mod
07-23-2016, 04:56 PM
OOC// hope you don't mind Silva popping in! ^_^ if you want someone else let me know.

She'd been on her own since everything had happened. She had been taken in and adopted by Glacier, but when Donostrea had quietly disbanded without a trace, her hope had gone with them. Glacier, Seraphiel...they just...disappeared never to return to her life. Just like when her mom and dad died. She felt like she had lost so much in her short time on earth, and soon she would be two years old. And nothing would change, or so she felt. She would still be alone. She would still be lost. She would still have no parents. Yes, she had her siblings somewhere out there...but she didn't exactly feel like it was her place to look for them. So she simply wandered the lands of Boreas, aimlessly and without purpose.

Dual toned eyes scanned the north land, a place she'd not been to before, but she vaguely remembered the north. It was where she was born, right? Somewhere up here in the snow. The memories of her puppy days brought tears to sting her eyes, but she would rapidly blink them away and instead, concentrate on where she was going...wherever that was. The silver yearling walked quietly over the snow, frame not too skinny but not too healthy looking either. She ate just enough to keep her alive and going, but what was the point?

Sighing, she flopped down against a snow bank and laid her head on her paws. She was a little hungry, but didn't exactly feel like eating. Dual toned eyes stared at the snow in front of her, and for once since she'd been on her own, she felt at home in this snowy wasteland. Sniffing, she figured she'd take a nap and then continue her aimless journey. Just as she had closed her eyes for no more then a few minutes, she heard the snapping of branches nearby which in turn, caused her to raise her head. Glancing around, she stood up and wondered what it was.

Climbing atop the snow bank, she would see a brown form laying in the snow and...eating a stick? Her head tilted as brows furrowed in confusion. Could he maybe not hunt?, that was a silly thought. Almost hesitantly, she decided that maybe she could converse with him. She hadn't talked to anyone in a long time, and she was craving some sort of social interaction. She felt...shy, a little afraid that he might reject her attempts. And on top of that, she wasn't too sure what to say. It'd been too long since she spoke at all, so her social persona that she once had with all the questions seemed...lost along with the rest of who she used to be. "Um...rabbit taste better then sticks, you know." She stopped a few feet away, a failed attempt at a friendly smile faintly showing.
