
Sunshine Moments



7 Years

07-24-2016, 10:14 AM

Honestly, she was very oblivious to the effect she had on Lark. All she knew were her own conflicting emotions, which she couldn't even begin to describe. She cared deeply for his opinion of her - which... well, she didn't really care about with most. She also did care for his opinion in general, and his thoughts as well. She hated it when he was sick, and hated it when he was angry, but when he was neither, she enjoyed being with him and spending time with him. This time, she was the one who sighed quietly, looking down at the ground instead of up at the enormous wolf near her.

The silence grew, and she felt more than mildly awkward... but then, thankfully, Lark spoke, and her head perked. Pain - what an unusual feeling, one she didn't understand - flared in her chest, for reasons she didn't know at the sound of his voice. Still, a hopeful feeling stirred at the distinct lack of anger, and green eyes flicked up to his, as she nodded very briefly. She believed him, without a doubt. She didn't even need to really reason why he wouldn't, though she suspected it was because there may not be a point in doing it, or... maybe he just didn't want to? She cast her mind from it, not dwelling on it, because shse had no need to do so.

She looked down again, silence growing. She felt tired, tired and sad... and regretful that the day - so bright and cheery - had come to this. She knew it'd be fine, in the coming days; after all, this was just a small dim light in the long run, right? Lark's voice startled her again, and her head jerked up, a soft mrrr? coming from her. She felt amused by his word - stand and glare at each other, huh? Heh. They'd done a lot of that. A lot. On top of it, he looked like the awkward pup this time. "Well..." he voice was unusually light and soft as she spoke, "I rather like it when you're not glaring at me, so I'm in full support of moving on." Really, who would enjoy being glared at?

"Talk" "You" Think
Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.