
Hot Pink Persian Carpet



3 Years
07-24-2016, 04:10 PM
(ooc: Ach! Sorry Luns. Completely wrote this for Redbud Nook xD I'll just carry on. Sorryyyy)

Sil was only sat a few moments before he took off again. The sheer vibrancy of everything around the male filled him with such energy that his legs practically moved themselves. he moved at a swift pace, though slow enough the still let him devour his beautiful surroundings. It seemed he had judged the size of the "forest" incorrectly, as he soon emerged from the pink copse to see it was much, much smaller than he realised.

Blinking against the sudden direct sunlight, he looked backwards his mint gaze wide. Smiling to himself, he continued forward. It still amazed him that even now (not that he was particularly old ) he could be completely caught unawares by wonder. With a quick shake of his head, the male focused on his new surroundings.

Rocks, as far as the eye could see, but not in a boring way at all. Boulders dominated the skyline in unique shapes whilst slabs littered the ground. It was so surreal that he had to pause a moment to take it all in, especially the scent of a wolf which was growing stronger by the second. Following his nose, Sileas turned just in time to see a pretty female come into sight. She was certainly tall, perhaps even the tallest wolf he'd ever seen and had a dark coat with a few lighter markings, from what he could see.
“Hey there! You out enjoying the nice spring day?”

Taking a few steps forward, Sileas smiled. Although he hope it didn't show, he had to take  moment to translate the woman's words in head, and then formulate a reply. She seemed frinedly, and he wouldn't be one to turn away company.

"Yes, I am. Today is a beautiful day, is it not?" he replied.