
The world is a vampire



7 Years
Extra large
07-24-2016, 10:18 PM

With slow, careful strides so he wouldn't stir up the water Basileus strode into the lake. He walked until he was up to his belly in water and then stilled. His gaze settled on the distance for a moment as he thought. He's spent far too much time sulking over the last season. It did him no good to wallow. He still believed in what had brought him so low - that without purpose a man was nothing - but he'd realized that he didn't have to wait for someone to assign him purpose. It had finally clicked that he could start over. He could make a name for himself and start his own business. He could give himself purpose.

After a moment of thought the mafioso lowered his head and began to drink. He could see tiny minnows and small fish swimming just beyond his reach, but he wasn't there for them although it was tempting to take a break from the monotony of rabbit. He was too preoccupied with other thoughts to seriously consider fishing. If he was going to try to get a game running in this land and if he could gather enough loyal friends to be worth a damn, he needed connections. With no one, except maybe his brother, to back him at this point there wasn't much else he could do beside ingratiate himself to powerful and/or useful individuals.

With his thirst quenched Basileus made his way back to shore. Once there he then shook out his coat and seated himself in the grass a few feet from the shoreline. The sun beating down on his back was warm and the heat was rapidly building up in his dark coat. It was tempting to seek refuge in the shade of some bush, but if he did he was sure he'd be wooed into taking a nap, and it wasn't time for sleep. It was time for schemes.

"Talk" "You" Think