
Feeling so faithless


07-25-2016, 04:34 AM
Nixie wiggled closer to her sister as she decided to sit with her. Though maybe she sounded hesitant? She wasn't too sure. The smaller girl smiled wide as her tail wagged a million miles a minute, ears perking up at her larger sisters question. "Erm...well..." What? She still wasn't used to it? It was weird now that it wasn't just her sisters, mom, and brother? She hardly saw Ren as it was, and Kait well...she didn't know where she was. I dunno're an...Alpha now, Ren has been such a grump, and I dunno where Kait is. And..I'm not used to living with strangers, so I usually watch clouds or explore by myself."

She sighed a bit as her tail slowed, ears flopping over as her brows furrowed. For once, she began to feel a bit down thinking about it all. "Zephy..." She shuffled her paw in the dirt, dual toned eyes staring at the ground before looking way up at her sister. "Now that you're an alpha...does that mean we won't spend alot of time together? I mean...that guy...the other alpha? I don't even really know him and he's been taking you away from me!" At this point, she didn't even realize that she had felt that way. She quickly looked at her paws again, feeling a little dumb for feeling this way. "Sorry, I didn't mean..."