
Same old song and dance {MEETING}



7 Years

07-25-2016, 11:43 AM (This post was last modified: 08-06-2016, 09:54 AM by Evelyn.)

Time and time again, his pack seemed to fall to the wayside. They would grow stronger only to fall twice as fast, and twice as hard. Bass was tired of trying to pick up the ashes over and over. If no one wanted to be here, then why were they all here? Why was he wasting his energy on keeping Abaven alive if no one else wanted to put in the effort. He couldn't do this alone anymore, his paws were dragging and the years were stacking up against him. Half of his life had already come and gone, and he couldn't look past his exhaustion. His own family seemed to prefer to be elsewhere. The pale man could still remember when he started this pack, how optimistic he had been about it. How quickly he had gained members, and even managed to keep some of his family close. But they were all gone now. He had no idea where Rhythm went, or if Chord ever planned to return. Motif had left when her mate grew ill, but still he hadn't heard anything from her either. All of his siblings had left him all alone in Ardent, and he was feeling the pain of separation. Sparrow wanted to wander, and Starling was still gone. Only Finch and Lark seemed to be the ones who hung around, Pipit and Merlin as well. Had he failed everyone? Was this all his own doing?

With a heavy heart, he pulled himself up on top of his den, tipping back his head and calling out for all of Abaven, or those who remained anyways. After his call, he lowered himself to his belly, upper limbs dangling off of the cool rocks. The sun hadn't even risen to it's highest point yet, a bit of a chill in the air. Placing his head on his paws, he waited, without much hope of anyone showing.

ooc// Edit: Extended until the 8th

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