
Abscond we will not[Pack meeting]

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

07-25-2016, 01:18 PM

So the pack gathered, even if there were a few stragglers. He understood how annoying seasonal meetings could be, but at least this time he actually had something to talk about. The alpha would look a bit amused, looks like Ren had showed up after all. He expected the boy to go running off, since he clearly didn't seem interested in Myriad anyway. He disregarded his sisters feelings and blatantly acted as if Riv had no clue what he was doing. His fur prickled lightly, the only reason he had let Ren in was because he was Zephyra's brother now he had no reason to keep a man who didn't know how to keep his jaw shut when it was due. The only reason he hadn't snapped at Ren then was because at least he was a civil man and he was unsure what Zephyra would think of the ordeal.

As the wolves finished coming, Riv would shuffled slightly. "It's great to see some of you." he started as he made it clear there were a few possibly just one he wasn't happy with. "This marks the start of our spring meeting, with that many of our members including myself have turned to two years of age. Meaning it is time to pick up your pace. There are many wolves still dawdling in the Sutikku rank, should you want to remain in that rank you can leave. Please voice now what you wish to be - and if you don't want to be in Myriad leave now." he looked to Hera for a moment. He wasn't upset with her either. It was just a clear warning to the rest of the pack. "As of right now I want all of you to show some sort of initiative in the coming days. You've had time to settle, but this is not a picnic. Train where you can, call pack hunts, pack training sessions. There is nothing stopping you from doing any of that." As the male stopped his tangent he then looked to Ren.

"I hate to say this... but you aren't welcome here Ren." he then looked towards Zephyra. "Zephyra can now say what she wishes and after anyone can voice their concerns." The male would stay standing.

ooc: Next round due by the 31st.

"Talk" "You" Think