
Hole in the Wall



10 Years
Dragon Mod
07-25-2016, 04:03 PM

He simply stood there minding his own business, the occasional glance cast towards the borders of the morons pack. It took a long while, but he wasn't expecting anyone to come anyway since he wasn't even that close to the borders. He was several yards away, well away from them feeling threatened about trespassing. But it seemed, someone had other ideas that he would discover soon enough. As he lifted his leg to take another piss on a bush farther away, he caught sight of the bastard who had killed his father. he was here after all? Perhaps it was his lucky day.

Enigma turned to face him, standing at a few feets distance from the smaller male. No doubt his brother would be along shortly, Forsaken loved to be where the action was after all. But whether or not there would be any action today would remain to be seen. "Ah, so the coward returns to the lands." He snickered, tail flicking across his hocks. Amber gaze stared at the man, but before he could say another word, the approach of another caught his attention. Of course, it was the man's wannabe macho kid.

Sure, the boy was taller. But enigma had more experience then this kid. He internally giggled at the way that the so called alpha had called for his pack as well. "What's the matter boy? Feeling threatened by a loner minding his own business?" He scoffed, a smirk pulling up his maw. "Or does your pack take pride in harassing and threatening loners minding their own business? Your mother would be very proud of you. You're tearing down her name even further, aren't you? Your threats don't scare me. Especially if you need your pack to back you up, kid."

The Devil Speaks || The Devil Thinks


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