
The world's a gun



10 Years
Dragon Mod
08-08-2016, 09:38 PM

Amber eyes twinkled when he noticed the grey male stiffen. If there was one thing he was good at, it was getting under the skin of those around him, provided he had sufficient ammo to fire with. But Xephyris and those he was associated with? He was sure he had plenty. Amber eyes stared coldly at the male, his own defenses quietly and discreetly taking place as he was expecting the other male to launch at him at any moment. It was his intentions to make him do so, after all. "Ha! Rivaxorous...what a joke!" He scoffed. If he recalled, wasn't that the big oaf that was almost an exact replica of that sonticus idiot? He wondered if he was the same way as Arian. Then again, why wouldn't he be? They were all weak minded idiots. His father had proven that.

At the comment of getting to Myriad, Enigma rolled his eyes and smirked. "Like you can stop me. You forget who we are and what we're capable of." And by we, he meant him and Forsaken, as well as Paradox. If she ever returned. Then Xephyris made the comment. One that Enigma had gotten over, but the fact that Xephyris had been there to see it all and then mock him for something out of his control, was what made his hackles rise and yellowed teeth snap with a snarl. "You're next!" He hissed. They were now chest to chest, their close proximity making it so that Enigma was practically bearing down on his new enemy. Why his father liked him so much was beyond him, but he was no longer an ally.

Now, Enigma was just as pissed. Amber eyes narrowed to slits, ears folded tightly against his head as he bared his teeth, muzzle wrinkling as it lifted in a snarl and the skin around his eyes and face wrinkling for added protection. Hackles were raised along his spine, tail flagged for balance while his claws dug in the dirt for traction and a good foothold. Toes spread across the dirt, joints bent slightly to allow for ease of movement. When push came to shove, shoving was exactly what he was going to do. The male tucked his chin over his throat, neck pulled back just slightly to allow the loose skin on his scruff to bunch. Simultaneously, his shoulders rolled forward to both protect the sides of his neck, as well as act as a battering ram for what he was about to do.

Hind legs coiled like a snake waiting to strike. His weight put mostly into his hind end, legs ready to spring with a powerful force once the time came. Xephyris would shift his head to his (Enigma's) left side, and already Enigma was prepared. He was no veteran, but he wasn't an amateur either. When Xephyris bared his teeth and shifted his position, Enigma kicked into action. He moved with his opponent, his own body pivoting to his right as well, paws quickly criss crossing one another to follow Xephyris' lead and to keep then from the T position his opponent was after. Instead, Enigma attempted to re-align them almost head on once more (a bit off alignment)--Left shoulder lining up with Xephyris' own left shoulder--and a sneer would lift as teeth bared, a growl leaving his maw with all the ferocity of the world. Left shoulder jutted forward then, hind legs springing him forward like a battering ram as he sought to bash the point of his (Enigma's) left shoulder straight into the center of Xephyris' left shoulder where the joint connected in an attempt to dislocate it.

Meanwhile, Enigma grunted as a mild bruise blossomed from the contact with his opponents right shoulder upon his forechest as opposed to his original target. A snarl ripped free from him, Enigma's weight redistributed then to better balance him as all four feet remained grounded. Their position would potentially keep his enemies jaws in his sight, then again it wasn't too hard when he was six inches taller then the silver male. As adrenaline coursed through him, amber gaze watched for a brief second as Xephyris sought to rise, except he would fail in gaining his hold, and instead, paws would merely find useless purchase upon Enigma's shoulders. The alabaster male was quick to respond, however, as Xephyris' teeth came flying at him. In one fluid movement, Enigma bunched his hind legs and sprung forward, jaws gaping as fangs sought purchase upon the silver males windpipe in order to suffocate and disable him (and hopefully headbutting his jaws shut) [counter to Xephyris bite attack]. He aimed to use Xephyris' lack of all four paws on the ground, and potentially knock him backwards and onto the floor as well.

Enigma VS Xephyris for MAIM: FACIAL SCARRING

Round 1/3

OOC//Sorry for taking so long! If you need clarification let me know, I kinda wanted to hurry up since I kept you waiting so I apologize If some of it doesn't make any sense ;w;


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