
Nothing in This World



06-16-2013, 06:32 PM

The fact that Felicitas had shared the same humor about returning Basilisk lightened Killian's mood a little, but he noticed something different in her tone than his. The difference was echoed in the look she shot at him when the pup asked about his paw. It seemed almost motherly. The idea caused a grin to form on his maw. The girl wasn't much older than himself - maybe a year and a half at most - but she seemed to look on him as a child. While Killian was still young, he had lived through more than some older wolves had and had grown mature beyond his years, though he tried not to show it. Showing his maturity would show that he was different and would beg more questions. That wasn't something he needed.

Despite his slight irritation at the parental look she gave him, he was thankful that she changed the subject and drew Basilisk's attention from his injury. He didn't feel comfortable elaborating just yet, not while they were still strangers, but perhaps another day. He focused on the child's reply, interested to see if there was a compelling reason for him being here. At the mention of his sister, Killian stiffened. His thoughts wandered to his own sister and a multitude of feelings coursed through him.

Could he really force out the words to answer the child's question? He had never attempted to speak about her before. The idea pained him greatly, but he knew he needed to put a stronger front on. He straightened up and forced a smile. Yes, I had a sister back home. He couldn't bring himself to say anything else, so he patiently waited for Felicitas to speak and hopefully change the subject again.