
Hole in the Wall



6 Years
07-26-2016, 12:17 AM

The woman would never have expected to get called to the boarder of Myraid while she was already so close to it. She figured, based on her own luck, she would have been on the other end of the territory when her alpha would call. Soleil instantly picked up the pace in an attempt to waist no time. She needed to be reliable, she needed to be useful and damn it that is exactly what she aimed to do as she trotted up behind Rivaxorus and looked between the four males before her.

All of them seemed to have something to say, but none of them had anything to say she could understand. Teal orbs would dart from each of the loners and then to her alpha. The only words they spoke that she had learned were child and loner, the only other thing that told her they were being rude was the tone of voice they were using. She couldn't be positive, but she was sure they were taunting her alpha but for what she may never know. A glare would be given to the last one to speak before looking at Riv questioningly. He had called the pack to him and, though she didn't like at least two of these loners already, they were all on the other side of the boarder. Had they crossed or did he have another problem with them in general? Again questions she wouldn't get answers to unless the Kosetsu had learned French in the time between now and the last time she saw him. In the long run she didn't really care what they did, if her Kosetsu were to give her a command, Soleil would do everything within her power to obey said command. For now she would stand silently at his side.