
Welcome to the Hotel California :]


06-16-2013, 07:23 PM
Eria couldn't help but giggle softly at Pontifex's stunned reaction. She bet that no one, aside from his family, had shown affection towards him like that. A small feeling of being proud appeared in her eyes, but it gently faded away before anyone could see it. She hoped that for the future, he would have more affectionate nuzzles like that, either with her or another lucky fae. The fact that she enjoyed his company made it a better atmosphere than when they had first met. As she watched him drink from the cold, broken pond, she listened to the sounds that began to become more obvious with the silence.
The ice that had flown from the broken surface had landed on the stones that scattered the nearby pond. Somehow, the temperature had made it melt, causing random patterns of drip, drip to play on her ears. From somewhere, one of the small holes in the cavern's far-away ceiling, a sliver of a winter wind swept down and around to the two wolves. She felt the cold air touch her ears and nose, making her shiver in surprise. Her eyes roved around the cavern and she began to take in the details she had missed when they first arrived. Eria then noticed the natural waves of the wall, evidence that water had once reached the upper levels of the cavern they were standing in. She padded towards the wall furthest from her and took notice of the outlines of animals and sea creatures on the wall. Her eyes widened at a collection of them and she couldn't help but utter, "Woooow..." under her breath. Her tail twitched and she said, "Ponti...come look..."