
Give Me Everything Tonight


06-17-2013, 07:54 AM
You can count on me like 1,2,3

Kai Aranna

I know when I need it I can count on you like 4,3,2

Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. She had to keep telling herself. Kai listened, glad to hear that she could have a purpose in this pack, Valhalla. The news of his promotion then led her to want to congratulate him on the accomplishment, but he spoke. He could tell she had something on her mind, but she didn't want to bore him with her sob story that was reminding her constantly of her former life, her past life. However she wasn't in a position to refuse a chat, and it she did join Valhalla than she supposed that he should know. "Its quite a long story, but I suppose I have the time, after all, I suppose I'm not going anywhere." She started off, with the words she reminded herself of every day.

"I was born as the runt of the litter, so my parents didn't see me as anything worth a hunter or fighter, but they loved me non the less. When my siblings were out there learning how to survive, my parents instead taught me about sitting pretty, acting lady like. It was only in the night when I snuck off with my sister Capella, did I learn to hunt. Same with my brothers and fighting. I was arranged to marry a cruel man from another pack, Cilcar. He was the alpha, and he had killed his last mate. So I disappeared in the night, my sister found me a bit later on, and she had... changed, she didn't care that the man was vicious, only that I had left, she had told me he was so outraged that he destroyed the entire pack and my family. I-it was my fault that most of them died. My brothers, my parents, my best friend, Capella was the only one to make it out alive." She said, choking up a bit when she spoke of her sister and brothers as if they were still living. It hurt, knowing what she had set upon them. She was heartbroken that her family was killed, knowing that if she had stayed, she would probably be the only one dead.

A lot of the packs she stumbled on deemed her unworthy because of her frame. She was small, but that made her faster than the others. That was why she seemed to always win races, and she could catch the small and fast animals. Her tail swayed from side to side, a saddened, almost grief stricken look on her face. She had so many mental issues that the other packs, whom hadn't turned her down on her frame, a turned her down because they thought she was 'mental'. The eagle had disappeared to hunt, and she had never really seen companion animals, nor were taught what they were. But those questions were for another day, another time. Cilcar, heartbreakers like you are hard to erase, you lift me up just so I fall. Some days, she wished that Cilcar fell ill and died, some days, she wished he would show up so she could kill him. She just wanted him off the planet before he could kill again.

Somewhere in the distance, she could almost feel like her family was stabbing her from the heavens, so they could make her feel what they felt. The nightmare's never ceased anymore, she was scared to sleep, let alone talk to other wolves. She knew that one road to recovery was to join this man's pack. He was nice, meaning the rest of the pack probably was too. But would they accept her because she was so small? She supposed that was what was left to determine.

Heartbreakers like you are hard to erase