
interruptions [vriska]


06-16-2013, 07:32 PM

lie lie lie

277 words. VRISKA tagged. --- notes.

Tyberius was about to scowl at her, to snap at her ankles until she left him alone. Her smile alone stopped him. Maybe there were things that he didn't know. Maybe age was a good thing. He sure as hell didn't want to accept her help but this female might have some good advice. Tyberius comforted himself with the fact that he could leave at any time and her help would end.

Just when he was going to agree, she'd turned around and made to leave. He had treated her terribly, and she had every reason to find something better to do. He didn't have to fake the pain in his leg as he hopped after her, trying to trot in time with her. "I accept your help, stranger. Excuse my attitude, if you will. 'Tis but an uncontrollable affliction of the brain." The words felt like they were torn from him, words that he rarely used since his mother's passing. Politeness made him appear weak, in his own eyes, therefore he refrained from being so. There were times, however, when it would become necessary. The lie, on the other hand, smoothly came to him. He could convince even himself that his personality was a result of some brain damage. Maybe that's where the problem had started, in his brain.

"Have you a name, miss?"

His leg pained him and he came to a halt, leaning on his front paws to alleviate the pressure. She would either stop and return to him or she would keep going. If she left, he'd pretend to be hurt, for a little while at least. Until she was out of sight.

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