
Abscond we will not[Pack meeting]



9 Years
07-27-2016, 08:46 PM

The stony brute sat quietly, casting his silver gaze around as a couple of laggers made their way to the meeting. He himself hadn't exactly been super punctual, although that was not his norm. He was surprised to see Hera as one of the laggers - hadn't she wanted to increase her rank in Myriad? Well she certainly wasn't going to do it by being late. Lastly, an unfamiliar blue-black male came waltzing in, but he didn't look very interested, nor concerned that he was late. He was in no hurry, and Xephyris found himself narrowing his eyes as he watched Ren casually seat himself at the farthest edge of the group of wolves. The other man's expression looked not only uncaring, but disgusted as well, as though his opinion of them all was very low. His hackles bristled - what was that guy's problem?

He turned his attention to Rivaxorus as the meeting finally commenced, and he spoke with a serious tone about what he expected from the pack. Xephyris found himself nodding, agreeing that they all needed to take more initiative, including and especially himself. He wanted a higher rank, but he hadn't come close to earning it yet. But he would change that. Suddenly, Riv said something that caused instant outrage with Zephyra and her siblings. Ren, the glowering male at the very back of the group, was being exiled. But it looked like Riv hadn't talked to his mate about this decision, and she was rightfully pissed.

However, Xephyris felt no regret that the blue-black brute was being kicked out. He didn't look like he wanted to be here, so he probably didn't belong here. Especially if Riv felt the need to say it - obviously there was bad blood between them, otherwise Riv wouldn't have made such a final decision. As one of the upset young women said the Alpha would regret this, before running off with Zephyra close on her tail, Xeph rose to his paws with a growl. Sure, maybe the woman was just really upset - but what she'd said was a threat, and he didn't like the sound of that. He didn't care who's sister she was. His gaze cast to the other sister, crying her eyes out. Why were they so upset about the decision that had been made? It didn't look to him that Ren wanted to be here, and if he was just bumming around the pack bringing the rest of them down, then he really didn't belong here. And Xephyris certainly didn't want to share his home with someone who didn't give a shit about it.

So, perhaps a little too brashly, he strode over to the blue-black man swiftly, hackles prickling. "You heard the man!" he snarled gruffly, "Beat it!" He didn't care about the protests of this man's siblings. Every wolf had their responsibility to hold their own place in the pack; they couldn't just leech off of the others because they had family that would stick up for them. Rivaxorus had ordered him away, and Xephyris was going to help enforce that if need be. He didn't want this spoiled, scowling man here if he didn't belong.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]