
Feeling Good



7 Years
Extra large
07-27-2016, 08:47 PM

Basileus rolled to his paws with a groan and shook out his coat. He'd spent the last several weeks at the lake and at some point he'd migrated from a bush to a den and that den had some point had shifted from temporary shelter to base of operations. It was a decent place. If he paused to think about it, it was the closest to being home that he'd been in a long time. The weather was very similar to what he was used to and a den by the water was what he would have gone back to had he finished his job. Had there been anything to go back to, that is.

Taking several steps away from the entrance of his den brought Basileus to the side of a young, dead fawn. Pure luck had enabled him to get such a meal. At some point its mother had left it in the weeds and wandered off in the hopes of luring a predator away. While she was off doing that, Basileus had stumbled upon the baby. By coincidence he'd suddenly found himself nose to nose with the fawn and, not one to pass up such an opportunity, had quickly run off with it.

The man of honor settled down beside the carcass to stare across the water. On the far side of the lake the sun was rising. It painted the waters in shades of orange and purple. Homesickness struck him suddenly and Basileus found himself awash with longing. Just as suddenly the feeling of loss hit him. There was nothing to go back to. That knowledge worked at his gut like teeth.

Basileus shook his head dismissively. He wasn't a child, he didn't get to sulk. Someday he would seek revenge for the lives his brotherhood had lost. That knowledge gave him some amount of solace. With a dismissive sigh the brute got to his paws and padded to the water's edge for a drink.