
[Laurier Plots II] you told me i was a saint.


06-16-2013, 07:44 PM
I'm back, and with a lot of time to sink into writing again! <3 Onto business, then? If we were in a thread, feel free to PM me to discuss outcome of such thread or the possible completion. If you're interested in adopting a wolf from the "empire" Laurier claims to, here is the official thread with information, and while the thread is not finished, feel free to PM me to discuss possible ideas pertaining to it anyways.
Quote: Laurier has now spent a year in Alactritis, spending most of the time gathering information and adsorbing the general surroundings. Without a pack, although, some alternations have developed within the added year of isolation. Mayhaps he will find himself in a pack relatively, but for now, his mind reminds on knowledge and meeting as many others as possible. Winter, although, is not a kind season on him overall as he is more designed for warmer climates. Laurier is:
  • Open to threads.
  • Open to plots,.
  • Open to meeting with members of packs.

There's a possibility that he could be hired or convinced to do some spying or gathering of information, but currently he is not inclined to fuel a war so it would have to be on more personal matters. Developing a possible enemy or just rivalry would be interesting, but it wouldn't be entirely because someone got under his skin unless someone truly becomes devoted to it.

So, as already touched upon briefly, he is indeed open to any threads. A completely set plot for threads isn't really wanted, as I would like to see how things turn out with others.

Might have missed some things, will probably add more later.