
Bite Me [fight training]



9 Years
07-28-2016, 01:31 PM

Xephyris listened as Riv began leading the training session, insisting that every one of them would need to be able to defend themselves. Not all of them were fighters, that much was clear as he glanced around, but Xeph was glad that the current wolves had gathered to test themselves or learn. He was surprised when Riv suddenly turned the session over to him. Grinning, he was startled but ready to take over, rising to his paws while he took in a deep breath. This would be the perfect chance to prove himself. It was about time he contributed in this way.

He stepped forward, dipping his head to Rivaxorus as he accepted his duty. Standing in front of the other wolves gathered, he let his silver eyes scan over them as he began getting ideas of who to pair up for spars. It was hard to know what level each wolf was at, so he would just have to let them show their own skill, and assess them later. But he would start by giving them some pointers, before he gave them partners to practice against.

Clearing his throat, he began, "Like Riv was saying, you'll all need to be able to defend yourselves in a fight. So let's start with defenses. When you're in a dangerous fight, you need to keep your vital points and appendages protected. Keep your head low, chin tucked, and skin of your neck bunched up to protect your throat. Your paws need to be spaced evenly, with your legs bent and your claws gripping the ground. Even your toes play a role - keep them splayed for maximum balance. Your balance will keep you from ending up on the ground, where an enemy can reach your exposed belly. Keep your ears folded down, and your eyes protected by bunching up the skin around your face and muzzle. If you're on the defensive, tuck your tail - if you're on the offensive, keep it even with your spine. Let all the hair along your spine rise, it creates a protective buffer against your enemy's teeth." He paused for a moment, letting everything sink in for those that weren't big fighters - those with experience would surely be bored by his explanations, but he wanted to make sure everyone had a good starting point.

"Might be a lot for those of you who aren't fighters," he continued, glancing around as he tried to gauge responses, "But it's important stuff to practice, which we'll do in some spars coming up. Do your best to remember and practice your defenses - it's not all about winning today, but avoiding serious injury and keeping balanced. Now, I'm going to pair you up-" He'd pause again, to look over the wolves one more time. There was an uneven number of participants, so he'd do his best to pair them up. His eyes rested on Armai - she was going to have a particularly difficult time, but even if she was never an offensive fighter, it was imperative that she knew how to defend herself. "Jackson, please work with Armai," he started - he thought that Jackson would not be too harsh on the blind healer, he seemed like an easy-going fellow - then he would continue to pair the wolves, "Hera, I'll put you with Lourdes." He looked to the remaining few, his eyes landing on Jaelle, the gray-painted gypsy. "Please work with Soleil, and help her understand what we're doing," he requested of her, knowing that she spoke some French and would be able to help Soleil in that way. Now he looked to the Alpha and his Queen. "Since there's not an equal amount of participants, what do you say you two work as a team, and I'll be your opponent," he suggested. It wouldn't be easy, as they were both enormous compared to him, but he wasn't going to let that stop him from trying. After all, not all fights were fair.

OOC: Hey guys, sorry about the wait - I was waiting like a dummy for others to post but I think it makes sense for me to post out of order to commence the training XD. Anyways, let's get this show on the road! You can certainly post here again, if you'd just like to do your spar here that's fine, or if you want to do a separate thread, it's up to you guys. However, let's at least get our spars started by August 6th! That's your deadline!

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]