
Three's a crowd



6 Years

07-28-2016, 04:11 PM

Esa was glad when Avalon turned and said she'd love some company. "Thanks!" she yipped as she bounded over to the woman. She'd never actually been on a patrol before; not that she hadn't explored the entire territory already. She'd certainly been everywhere. In fact, she enjoyed navigating the lands, taking note of things and finding new places. But guarding territory wasn't her strong point. Fighting in general wasn't her thing. She'd use her teeth if she had to, she had before - and boy had that felt good at the time - but she was not a violent wolf by nature. She was a hunter; she loved the thrill of the chase, and challenging herself to catch something new.

Loping to catch up with Avalon, she tried to match her pace with the Alphaess, not wanting to slow her down. When Avalon asked how she and her friends were doing, if they'd settled in, Esarosa smiled dreamily as she thought of the den she and Steel had made. "We love it here," she replied with a nod, but then her smile faded somewhat. She couldn't speak for all of them. Valentina seemed to be holding her own, although Esa wasn't sure if this was the woman's favourite place to be. There were a lot of wolves that didn't like the north. And Itri... she hadn't seen the boy in a long time, and she worried that he'd run away. "To be honest, I haven't seen my little adopted brother in some time," she said as she padded along beside the Alphaess, "I fear he may have ran away... maybe pack life was too much for him. I just hope he's alright.

It wasn't what she'd come to talk about, but it was good to catch up and let Avalon know some things that were going on - she just hoped the woman wouldn't think too badly of Itri for not showing himself. Esarosa was sure Itri was fine, even if he was on his own, the boy was strongly independent, but she was definitely going to look for him soon. Maybe after her talk with Avalon... oh, why hadn't she thought of it before? Ivalice was a pack, pack looked out for one another; maybe they could all keep an eye open for Itri! Even if he wanted to be on his own, it was better to know, than to just think he disappeared without a trace.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]