
Let it Do its Wonders

Bright Moon


6 Years
07-28-2016, 09:48 PM
Bright Moon had promised herself she wouldn't go far from home this season. She always got herself into trouble if she strayed from familiar lands for too long. But she couldn't help her wandering nature; the bay wasn't too far, though, right? She had really expected herself to stay within marked territory until summer, but that wasn't going to happen. Her dark paws carried her along the sandy beach, feeling relaxed as she breathed in the heavy, salty air. This was nice. Until... silver eyes flew wide open, body freezing in place. The refreshing breeze coming off the ocean was tainted with wolf blood. I should just go home, she thought, turning as her paws prepared to carry her back to Fiori.

Yet she could not. There was certainly the possibility that something troublesome was happening, and she might cause herself harm by going to investigate. But there was also the possibility that somebody was out there needing help. What if no one else could help them? What if somebody died because she was too frightened to check on them? Taking a deep breath and swallowing her fear, Bright forced herself to go toward the scent of blood. Her heart began to pound in her chest as anxiety flooded her, her breathing coming fast. She had to keep going.

At last she found them. Nothing seemed to be terribly wrong, there wasn't a fight happening, there was no violence. Relief flooded over her. She was glad she had come. Still, it was obvious that there was an injury in need of tending, and she wondered which one of the two, and where on their body. So Bright approached, but not too closely. "Can I... help?" she asked, trying to speak up so that her voice would carry over the sound of the waves, "I know a little about herbs." Her approach was a bit lame, lacking in conviction, but she wanted to be of assistance if she could.
[Image: zeB2pXm.png]