
Chamomile Starts With C [PO]



9 Years
07-28-2016, 11:55 PM (This post was last modified: 07-29-2016, 02:03 AM by Kavdaya.)
Round Ends August 10th

Kavdaya Of The Nomads

The first to arrive was Zuriel. Kavdaya smiled at the monochrome woman as she came out of the den into the ravine, joining her in the wide section. “It’s always good to see you, too.” She answered cheerfully, then inclined her head slightly to listen to Zuriel’s explanation. She’d guessed something along the lines of this. “You’re truer to your mother’s bloodline than you’d guess; Your great, great Grandmother was the Leader of my pack, the Nomads. They travelled all the time, looking for herbs to learn, and cures for illnesses.” She grinned at Zuriel, pausing as Regulus arrived. As he looked around, she could see the mild disappointment, before he asked for a moment and retreated back down the ravine.

Kavdaya turned back to Zuriel, answering easily, “And that will be fine. Do you want to see if we can cobble together something that you can carry what you want to keep with you?” Regulus’ howl rang out at the end of the ravine, more commanding than her own call, and she chuckled slightly as he returned and offered his hope that it would help. She had no problem understanding that he meant he hoped it would help attendance. “Thank you, Regulus.” She turned her attention to the Crimson male as he turned to ask his sister if she could wait long enough for a pack meeting. Well, they certainly could use one; pups had been born, Zuriel was leaving, and they had a new member; not to mention the bad news that would need passed, such as the low activity..

Her attention shifted to movement down the ravine, and she offered Creed a brilliant smile as he arrived and sat nearby. “Glad you could come, Creed.” And yes, it did please her immensely that he’d decided to come after all. And she supposed it was the fault of her heat that the warm fuzzy feeling in her belly blossomed so eagerly, but she was distracted as Solveiga arrived. She didn’t miss the way the young female seemed to be avoiding looking at the Crimson Archangel, or how her tail was tucked and she reeked of herbs, and she offered a soft grin to the girl as she introduced herself to the wolves gathered. “I’m glad to see you participating, Solveiga. And you are more than welcome to share any ideas you think of with us. Rest assured we won’t find any of them unappreciated.”

Castiel arrived next, and the snowy healer smiled lightly at the male; he’d come to the first meeting, and while he had remained silent, she had appreciated his attendance. “As long as you learn just enough to help you in an emergency.” She offered cheerfully, before young Rasiel arrived, questions already firing as soon as she sat beside Regulus.

The first question directed halfway to Kavdaya, Kav had often wondered herself; why did so many plants grow? However, the second she could answer more definitely. “Plants can be like wolves, and other creatures; some are very good, and very useful, and some are bad, and can hurt you. This is why we need to learn how to identify the right ones. The bad ones are often poisonous – they can make you very sick – and aren’t useful. I can take you out gathering on one of your lessons, and show you a few.” She smiled easily at the pup, then to the rest of the group.

“Thank you for coming to today’s lesson. A couple of you were at the last Healer’s Meeting, and I’m especially glad you could come to this one as well. To those of you who haven’t attended before; these meetings and lessons are a good chance to share any ideas you have for how to transport the weak, injured, or ill more easily, how to make medications more palatable, etc. I also want to show you a few plants, teach you the uses and precautions, and how to find and gather them.”

She nodded at the line-up of different plants before her paws, set where they could be seen by all. “I went out and gathered a few things for this lesson; Yarrow, Coltsfoot, Peppermint, Marshmallow, Agrimony, Marigold, Woundwart, and Horsetail.” She indicated each plant as she spoke their names, then smiled at the group, tail flicking to curl about her hips.

“We’ll get to these in a moment; first, any ideas on how to make collecting herbs more easy, or how to transport those injured or too ill to walk? Last session, Zuriel voiced a wonderful idea for stretching things between two saplings… But maybe one of you can take it further; how would we get them to work without falling apart?” She fell silent, allowing the rest to offer their ideas or suggestions if they had any.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

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