
One More Step



8 Years
07-29-2016, 10:33 AM

Solveiga couldn't help another shy smile as the woman before her gave another cheerful response. This was nice, talking to such a friendly individual. After all, Solveiga had already had a few not so friendly encounters, and she didn't really want to have many more. Her mind drifted to the conversation she'd had — if it could be called a conversation — with that dark, bitter woman in the canyon. Luckily that hadn't lasted long. If she saw that woman again, she was sure she would go to all lengths to avoid her. She didn't like that quenchless thirst in her eyes. Greed. And anger, it seemed. Two things that did not mix.

Pushing those thoughts aside, Solveiga blinked and gave Valí a grin. The nickname sounded nice. Perhaps she would suggest it to others in the future as well. Granted, the snowy woman seemed a bit disappointed by her lack of knowledge in healing. But she did have some, which was better than none, right? She furrowed her brows in thought as she considered the illness Valí spoke of. One that had apparently struck the land before she arrived. She wanted to learn everything. Solveiga knew the feeling. "Don't we all?" she joked lightly, but there was a thoughtful expression in her eyes. "Well, I do have a fair amount of knowledge in more common ailments, like fevers and headaches. And I remember the herbs my mother used for binding wounds when my brother and I were young. But I only have knowledge of the things she needed to heal us as kids," she admitted with a chuckle. "My mother was once a very talented healer, but later in her life she only used her knowledge to care for us. And so, I was only ever exposed to those kind of basic healing practices... I really don't think I would know the first thing about tackling an epidemic like that..."