
Chamomile Starts With C [PO]



8 Years
07-29-2016, 11:12 AM

Two more arrived after Solveiga, and she smiled warmly at the questions that immediately began to tumble from the young girl. She looked similar to the boy Solveiga had met a few days back, the one named Laisrén. This must be his sister. She was just as full of energy as he had been, and the sand colored woman loved that. Pups always made her feel happy, as if their enthusiasm rubbed off onto her. Kavdaya answered the last question the girl had asked, telling her that some plants were good and useful, while others were not. Some were harmful, even deadly, making identification very important. Solveiga nodded a bit and looked at the young girl, hoping she took such words to heart. Then she turned her full attention to Kavdaya.

There had apparently been one healing lesson already, which had been held before Solveiga joined. That was alright; she could always request a private lesson with Kavdaya to cover anything she might have missed. She really did want to learn as much as possible. The master healer said that ideas would be welcomed in regards to transporting the sick or injured, and also making medication more palatable. The sand colored woman called to mind a few tricks her own mother had used, and shyly cleared her throat before speaking. "I had a couple ideas on that, Kavdaya," she said, trying to make her voice as loud and clear as possible, but it was hard. Her voice was naturally soft, and she didn't have much experience speaking in front of a whole group like this. But she looked into the sapphire eyes of the healer and pretended that she was holding a one on one conversation with her. That helped to calm her nerves a bit, and she managed to speak without faltering or otherwise embarrassing herself. "I've always thought that it helps to have a bit of honey in your stock," she said. "As we all know, some medications can be very bitter, and slathering them in a bit of honey helps with the taste. And it goes down better, too, because of the tendency of the honey to stick to itself and hold everything together. The patient will be less likely to drop parts of the medication from their mouth, which especially helps if they are so ill or injured that they have to be treated lying down." She paused for a moment, wondering if she was rambling too much. But she did have a bit of knowledge to share, so why hold it back? "But because honey can be hard to gather, I've also found that tucking herbs inside of meat can help mask the taste. Especially more potent meats, like fish and venison. That method also helps a lot with younger patients," Solveiga added, giving a friendly wink to the young girl in attendance. Surely she would understand. No one liked to take medicine for a fever or upset stomach if the herbs themselves tasted awful.

After this, Solveiga fell quiet again. She smiled a bit as Kavdaya identified each plant in front of her. Fortunately she recognized most of them already. But she made a point to study and memorize the ones she didn't, namely coltsfoot and agrimony. Then, ideas were requested again. Zuriel had come up with the idea of transporting patients on a carrying device made of materials stretched between two saplings, and Solveiga looked at Zuriel with a bit of admiration. It was a indeed a good idea. But how to make it more durable? "I don't know if... anyone has a good idea of what could be stretched between the saplings," Solveiga said. Maybe a twine of some kind, if it could be found? Some kind of sturdy grass? "but I do know that twisting or braiding the material could help make it a lot stronger." The small healer had to admit that she was proud of herself for speaking out so much. It felt nice to contribute to the discussion. She looked to Kavdaya to see what she thought of the idea. "Would this device need two wolves, though?" she asked softly, picturing the device in her head. Would it need someone on either side to lift and carry it? Solveiga certainly hoped so; she knew there was no way she could handle the weight of another wolf on her own.

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