
Let it Do its Wonders



3 Years
07-29-2016, 06:53 PM
The woman leaned towards him, her blue eyes examining the wound on his leg. Luckily she seemed to have understood what is mediocre speech had failed to convey perfectly.
"I can help," Sileas smiled gratefully. Both for the simplicity of her words and the assistance she was offering. Looking down at the wound for a moment, his brows furrowed slightly. Already the wound felt better, a little cleaner and if it were not for the harsh bite of the seawater, the pain would have only been a dull throb. He was very thankful for the help, and he wanted to make sure this woman knew it.

Before he could reply to the woman, another female approached, albeit hesitantly. The newcomers coat was darker than the other woman's, a silver colour mostly. Sileas felt himself shrink slightly under the additional gaze. He wasn't a fan of having attention directed on him, especially two strangers in an unfamiliar place. But, Sil was in the situation now and everything seemed okay, so he'd just have to deal with it.

The lighter-furred woman greeted the other with a nod and explained the situation. He kept up with their speech as best as he could, but it took him a moment as he caught up that the last part could have been directed at himself.

With a hesitant smile to the newcomer he spoke, trying to keep his accent in check.
" Thank you, miss, and... new miss. I would be very thankful for your helps. My name is Sileas. I'm a healer also, but this is a..." Sileas hated it when he couldn't remember words. "Tricky place for myself to heal. So I thank you both. he finished, dipping his head to them both.