
A merry pair are we



Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamous
07-29-2016, 07:28 PM
The seconds ticked by as he tried to puzzle through her motives. Not usually one for patience, Sabine, in this instance, was thoroughly amused and willing to wait. She could only imagine the things he was thinking and really, it was her own imagination that made his hesitation so entertaining. Was he taking her seriously, she wondered. Was he confused? Scared? Excited? Did he really think he's going to get lucky, or was he just playing along? Was he, she thought with much amusement, wondering what she felt like?

She knew the moment he let himself become interested. He turned back to her and took a step towards her before he seemed to hesitate again. "Well?" she wanted to ask him. A (presumably) pretty lady stood before him seemingly ready to fuck him and he was hesitating? This was probably the one and only time he didn't have to chase a woman down and beg, and he wasn't sure?

Finally (finally!!) he stepped towards her and Sabine, sensing a small victory, had to fight to keep her expression clear lest it become smug and give her satisfaction away. He was right, she did notice the uptick in his breathing. Victory, it seemed, was within reach, and the closer it got the more her amusement grew. "If it's not a trick, then you won't mind if I get a little too close for comfort," he rumbled as he once again invaded her personal space. "Who said it's too close for comfort?" she rumbled back. What if he was right where she wanted him? He pressed his shoulder against hers and Sabine leaned into him. She reached out to press her lips into the curve of his neck, seemingly savoring his presence. "Mmmm," she purred, letting her voice go coquettish, "That's right, isn't it? Whatever I say..." The corners of her mouth lifted in a small smile. "What do you think I'm going to say, Ehrgeiz? Fuck me?" she asked sweetly.

[Image: bK4cZNp.png]