
One roll for the whole shebang



Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamous
07-30-2016, 10:16 PM
With her nose Sabine rolled a can across the deck of the ship. Unlike the other cans she'd broken so she could eat the contents, this one refused to pop. She'd done everything she could think of. She knocked it off its shelf, dropped it down not one, but two flights of stairs, and even gone so far as to bash at it with a heavy rock. The can was dented and pocked with teeth marks, but like the bitch that tried to break it, the can was too stubborn for its own good.

The deck of the ship was slanted with the bow pointed towards the treetops and the stern pointed towards the ground. There was quite a bit of slant and it made rolling the can difficult, but it was one of those cans that was too big around for her to carry so she didn't really have any other options. Sabine was beginning to get a crick in her neck from pushing, but she was stubborn and now, even though she was dealing with an inanimate object, it was personal. She was going to bust the damn thing open if it was the last thing she did!

Finally she reached the highest point the ship had to offer. To keep the can from rolling away Sabine placed a forepaw on it before straightening to her full height. She rolled her neck to work the kinks out before turning her attention back to the can. Her voice a little too smug for the situation, she said, "Alright my friend, it's time to spill the goods." With that she flung the can off the bow of the ship. There was a moment of silence following the flight of the can and then from way down below her there came a heavy, satisfying thud. "Yes," she thought to herself. Surely that sound meant success! With a smug smile on her lips, Sabine turned and raced down the ship in search of the way down.

[Image: bK4cZNp.png]