
in a different place



10 Years
Extra large
07-31-2016, 09:55 AM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2016, 09:21 PM by Áki.)
Áki's chest heaved visibly with each step he took, his limbs stiff with exhaustion. Climbing a mountain was no easy task, and many wolves would inevitably find themselves turning back when they realized what big a task they'd taken on. Of course, he wasn't at the very top, just at the point where two of the mountains met - and he'd found the perfect view. One particular rock that jutted out near the pass, tested and proved to be solid beneath his weight, offered a lovely view of the world beyond. Pine trees and mountains dotted the skyline, and in another direction he could spot the horizon, where the land met the sky and seemed to trail on for infinity.

It was beautiful here. A content grin painted his features as he caught his breath, slowly but steadily, as he came to rest on his haunches on his newfound rock that he'd clambered onto. He knew there was no way he could make it to the very top, but he could go a bit further after some rest, he was certain. A heavy sigh left his lips - a satisfied sigh, as his crimson gaze swept over the lands. This place was finally, after years, starting to feel like home. He still missed traveling with the tribe, the family he had been born into, but he knew he could return if he ever needed. Being on his own, though, had been rather enlightening for him.

table by argent/neffs

note: set in Dreamers Col