
The Sun Will Shine Again



6 Years

08-01-2016, 04:02 AM

Esarosa turned toward Steel as she watched him try digging into the den's frozen floor, but it looked like it was futile. He'd mutter just one word as he gave up. It was no use. They'd have to wait for warmer weather to make any difference. Yet, he didn't seem too disappointed. Her head tilted, slightly confused. But when he spoke again in a suggestive tone, it became clear as to why he didn't seem too concerned. "Guess we have to sleep close tonight." She grinned as the realization came over her, feeling her belly clench slightly, heart pounding, as the light-headed rush in her head intensified. "I guess we just have no choice," she conceded in a cheeky tone, a giggle bubbling past her lips.

As he touched her cheek, her breath caught for a moment, her eyes closing briefly before he pulled away; emerald orbs flew open, just in time to catch his gesture, beckoning her to join him in the den. The sun was past its highest point, but it was still far from setting. There was plenty of time until either of them would feel like sleeping - they'd just have to entertain themselves until the sun went down. Her cheeks burning, she watched his handsome, well-built frame move away from her before she started to follow him, tail waving in the air behind her.

The midnight-coated maiden went willingly, no, eagerly, into the den behind Steel, pressing into his side as she shoved her way into the cramped den. She felt somewhat anxious as she'd never done this before, but she wanted to erase that feeling and just give in to the moment, the new sensations she was feeling. So she wasted no time; moving to seat herself in front of him, her black nose touching his, she planted a kiss delicately on his lips. She smiled to herself as her forepaws came up to wrap around the back of his neck, drawing his head toward her. She pressed her cheek against his, her nose nuzzling into the back of his ear, kissing the side of his neck more eagerly. As she tried to pull him closer, she toppled over onto her back, hoping to drag him down with her, giggling all the while. Yet the tone of her laughter had changed - she felt short of breath, a warm sensation rippling down her belly and through to her legs. As her body heat rose, she hoped that Steel wouldn't feel shy at all as her eyes roamed over his silhouette in the darkness. Esa was no longer worried, she just craved his closeness with an indescribable desire to feel his weight pressing down on her.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]