
You will remember me

Katja the First


8 Years
08-01-2016, 06:50 PM (This post was last modified: 08-15-2016, 09:19 PM by Tealah.)
Katja's lip twitched, wanting to curl as she waited upon the scent drenched border, her daughter waiting silently with her as witness and apprentice. It could be no less than an outright taunt, for Vereux to have chosen to flaunt himself by joining a pack sharing a border with the pack he betrayed. It was infuriating, fanning the smoldering anger, the fire that betrayal had awoken towards the traitor. It was all she could do to hold herself still and calm, to act as an example for her daughter-apprentice.

Still, it was not long before pawsteps alerted her to the presence of another, and her eyes fell upon Avalon. "Avalon," she greeted coolly. To forestall the inevitable that always seemed to follow alphas seeking her company - well did she recall the annoyance of Arian's visit, and Surreal's attempt to buy her pack's safety - she spoke in a swift, clipped tone. "No, I do not intend to waste my time with 'pleasantries', as you say. If you are expecting politics from Yfir, you are misinformed. I am here simply because I was informed that wolves of your pack called upon my borders and disappeared again before they could be answered. I am not interested in allying with any pack. I am not interested in peace treaties. Your pack holds no interest to me but for one thing. You harbor among your members a criminal. The wolf Vereux Armada is a fugitive from Yfir - he betrayed the good will of the wolves who took him in, healed him, fed him, and sought to teach him our culture, only for him to take that knowledge and abandon his responsibilities and his pack. He is a spy and oathbreaker."

She fixed her fierce glare upon the other alpha, her stance uncaring of Avalon's advantage in height. "I am willing to grant that you may not have known of his past actions." She could imagine the naive, quivering lump of wolf who had sought to join Yfir before they had left the east having been taken in by Vereux, though she was skeptical that Avalon could possibly have somehow not realized he belonged to another pack considering it was Vereux who had tried to convince her to join the viking pack to begin with. "However, you know this now, and I must warn you that any who seek to keep this oathbreaker from justice will share in his punishment."