
Abscond we will not[Pack meeting]

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

08-02-2016, 03:51 PM

Things shifted, and finally they cracked and fell apart. He knew that this was more or less Ren's fault as well. Did Zephyra have any clue how many chances he gave that man? Did he really care about his family at all, when they all seemed to flock to him like chickens and yet Ren said nothing, did nothing. Just like he did by loafing and groaning about in the pack. His authority had been challenged, and as nice as he had tried to remain there was a line when it came to his patience. His lips curled to her words, they hurt. They hurt a lot, maybe because he was partly in the wrong but he truly believed so was she. Even if he had told her, she probably would have fought tooth and nail with him. As Zephyra and her sisters fled the scene, he saw more wolves coming to defend him while the accused sat doing nothing.

"Enough!" he snapped at the pack. "If Zephyra wants Ren to remain then let the man speak. Let him prove to them whether or not he belongs here. Even as this bickering has gone on he just sits in the corner." His eyes narrowed on the man. "Congratulations, you have a choice Ren. Remain with your sisters and show them that you actually give a damn. Or leave and you better damn explain to them WHY because I will not tell them the family member they hold dear wanted to leave them behind. If you do stay. Get your ass in gear." His voice was stern. As his tail flicked with irritation. "The rest of you, your loyalty is pleasing - but best let things calm down. Zephyra has a right to speak what she thinks she has as much authority as I. Remember what I said though. Those in the Suttiku rank, get going. If you need me we can talk in private." he would wait to hear Ren's answer, but after the pack would be dismissed.

"Talk" "You" Think