
no time to bleed



5 Years
08-02-2016, 03:59 PM

Phim knew loneliness. She watched her parents die, for crying out loud. The two people she loved most in the world were torn from her when she was just barely able to stand on her own two feet, ripped to shreds by a lunatic with no motive more than bloodlust driving her. Phim tried to remember as seldom as possible, but lately it was hard to stop. The pain of losing her parents was excruciating, but what she felt at losing Dai was indescribable.

Where the image of her parents death was clear in her mind, the events leading to losing Dai were hazy. She couldn't even remember what they had been doing that day, or what the land around them looked like. They were attacked and they ran - or, at least, she thought they had at the time. But when she finally stopped to breathe she was alone. Phim hadn't known where she was or how long she ran. Nothing was familiar. Of course, she spent the next several days searching for her twin, but no sign of him turned up. She couldn't even find the place they'd been attacked because she had forgotten the details in her flight. Heartbroken and hungry, she did the only thing she could. She went home.

The same questions as last time plagued her, though. Was this even home? She was born here, her family had once thrived here, but she'd spent more time wandering with Dai than settled anywhere. Maybe she had no home at all, and now Phim was both homeless and alone. But - she reminded herself - if Dai was alive, this was where he would go. It was the only place they truly had the roots to find each other again. And while she was falling apart without him, she didn't believe he was dead. They could feel each other's emotions and practically read each other's minds, so she would have to feel it if he was dead... right?

Once again, her thoughts had consumed her and she'd wandered into questionable territory. The stab of a thorn brought her to a senses and drew a high-pitched yelp from her. Phim glanced around her at the barely-there path she stood on and the plants that grew over and around it, then turned her attention to the small wound on her leg. With a sigh, she sat back and began nursing her injury while she contemplated where to go from here.


Phim's brother, Daitaro, is allowed to crash literally all of her threads.

[Image: xc4TMGm.png]