
You Make my Heart Flutter like a Tilt-a-Whirl



6 Years

08-03-2016, 02:31 AM

Finally, they'd been able to get away from the pack for a little while without having to worry. She'd been planning their getaway for some time now, and been keeping her distance from Steel on purpose. Not for fear, nor to hurt him; simply to build the anticipation of spending this time together when they finally got the chance. She'd been busying herself tending to the pack, feeding the many hungry mouths that needed it. And there were a lot. That alone caused her some worry, but she had to be confident that everything would work out. Her season had come, and the hormonal cycle was in full tilt now, pulling her emotions in every direction at once. She desperately needed to give in to her biological desires. And she couldn't wait to reach their destination.

As they traveled, Esa found herself unable to keep a steady pace - she bounded from one interesting landmark to the next, hardly different than an excited pup. But then a thought would come over her mind, and in a melancholy shift of moods, she would find herself meandering rather slowly, emerald eyes cast to the ground. She would bump into Steel, feeling the warmth of his coat against hers. And then, like clockwork, she'd feel the tickle of excitement build within her, and with a giggle, she'd prance ahead once more. She just hoped that she was not the only one so hopelessly affected by her heat.

The days were growing longer as Spring progressed, yet even after leaving home early their journey had been long, and the sun was nearly touching the horizon as they approached the lake territory. That didn't bother the raven-coated woman, though - she knew that Firefly Lake was most beautiful starting at dusk. They would have plenty of time to settle in before the lightning bugs came out to play and the stars would glitter by the millions. When the tall reeds came into view, Esarosa paused in her stride, giving Steel a chance to catch up to her and her erratic pace. She knew it, this place would be just perfect for a romantic evening, just the two of them and nothing else to worry about.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]