
Same old song and dance {MEETING}



4 Years
Athena I
08-03-2016, 09:17 PM

It was hard to shake Piper's cheerful outlook. Even when things were looking bleak it only phased her for a moment before she brushed it off and continued on. However, the silence lingering over the pack was wearing on her. She was having a harder and harder time finding her siblings to hang out with... or anyone for that matter. Her ears perked and head lifted to listen to her father's voice when he called for the pack. The tone of his voice made a frown pull at her lips and she got to her paws to head toward him. Her paws her surprisingly hesitant. She wanted to be there for him. At times she felt like she was trying so hard to be supportive and keep him cheerful, but there was little pay off from it. She hadn't quite realized that she couldn't do that on her own. Maybe if all of her siblings were helping... But no.

She finally arrived, expecting some of her siblings to have been there already since she had taken quite a bit longer to arrive than she usually did. Her frown deepened, her brows pulling together and creasing her forehead. Her bright gaze landed on her father and her heart sank when she saw him drooping over the edge of the rocks above the den. A quick glance around made her realize that the only wolf that was there that she recognized easily was Tinaro. Where was everyone?

Ignoring everyone else in the crowd and the voice in her head telling her that it would probably be more socially acceptable if she just took a seat with them, she padded toward her father and made her way up to the small overhang that he was perched on. She settled onto her stomach beside him with her side pressed to his, leaning her head down and pressing her nose to his cheek. She gave him a worried glance as she rested her head on her paws much like he had.

"Talk" "You" Think